New All Setup Components Sensors Useful Smart

Introduction of Webduino

Webduino is the combination of Web and Arduino. It proclaims a new era of Web-controlled Arduino has come.

Webduino Board Wi-Fi Setup

The most important thing before you begin using the Webduino is setting up the Wi-Fi.

Support Q&A

You might face some problems while using Webduino, so here are answers to some of the most common questions.

Webduino Fly Initialization Setup

Uno Extension Board equips your Arduino UNO with wifi, facilitating the complete Webduino functions.

Chrome API Proxy Installation Guide

If you install the Chrome API Proxy released by Webduino, you can enjoy the convenience of using Webduino through a serial port or a Bluetooth connection.

Arduino Firmware Download / Burn

All Webduino boards follow the Arduino Firmata protocol, so you will have to burn the standard firmware on them.

Webduino Blockly Basic Guide

Webduino Blockly is a visual programming editor, adopting the Google Blockly system.

Webduino Blockly Exercises with Solutions

Webduino has a rich online resources with hundreds of lectures, case-studies, and demo videos. We provide you the most complete and convenience way to start your IoT project.

Interaction with Multiple Webduino Boards

When the boards go online, all the functions will be executed, it is really simple to interact with multiple Webduino boards.

Webduino Board Pin Manipulation

Webduino boards can detect and set pin states just like any other board.

The 10 Most Useful Features of Webduino Blockly

We are introducing the most useful features that we have yet to mention in the tutorials.

Webduino Bluetooth Control

This tutorial demonstrates how to connect bluetooth modules (HC05, HC06) to the Webduino, and each of their individual setup and operation processes.

Introduction to Webduino Smart

Webduino Smart is a ground-breaking development board. It will be a path to lead an efficient and effective development of IoT.

Webduino Smart Wi-Fi Setup

The main purpose of this setup is to enable Webduino Smart to connect to the Internet or WebSocket.

Using RGB LED with the Webduino Smart

The Webduino Smart development board has a built-in micro RGB. It is able to create lights with various colors directly.

Dancing RGB LED with the Webduino Smart

In this tutorial, we will be using "Delay" and "Loop" blocks to have the RGB LED flash like a dance club light.

Photocell of the Webduino Smart

The Webduino Smart has a few built-in sensors and components, and photocell is one of them. It can be used to detect the light surrounding it.

Button Switch of the Webduino Smart

We can use this button switch to execute "Pressed", "Released", or "Long-pressed" actions to further control electronic components or HTML elements.

Using a Button Switch for Playing Youtube Videos

In this tutorial, we are going to learn an advanced application for the button switch, playing Youtube videos.

Control a Single LED

Controlling a single LED is easy and also useful for observing any programming mistakes. Therefore, we use the LED as our first Webduino tutorial.

Controlling an RGB LED

RGB LEDs are made of three LEDs, one red, one green and one blue, so they can produce at least three colors.

Creating colors with an RGB LED

In this tutorial we will use HTML5's new input type "color" to control the color of an RGB LED and also how to show the selected color on a device's screen.

Use An Ultrasonic Sensor

A HC-SR04 sensor emits an ultrasonic sound that travels through the air and will bounce off the nearest object and travel back to the module.

Manipulating image size with an Ultrasonic sensor

By sending a distance value from an sensor and mapping it to the width of an image on a webpage, we can easily control the size of an image with an Ultrasonic sensor.

Controlling LEDs with an Ultrasonic sensor

Everything is connected through the internet, you should be able to manipulate an LED with an Ultrasonic sensor, whenever there is an action, the webpage you are interacting with will react.

Controlling RGB LEDs with an Ultrasonic Sensor

This project uses an RGB LED to show different colors to represent the distance measured by the Ultrasonic sensor.

Button Switch

This project example will show how to read the signal from a button switch and control an image on screen or turn on/off an LED.

DHT Sensor

The DHT sensor is a basic digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and generates a digital signal.

Using a Shake Switch to change values

When you shake it the insides short-circuit and it works like a button switch. Only the Shake Switch closes its circuit through movement.

Controlling an LED and web page image with a Sound Sensor

In this project example we will use a sound sensor to light up an LED and our Web Demo light bulb image when a sound is detected.

Make Music with a Buzzer

You can only use HTML attributes to make a piece of music on the Webduino Blockly to make the buzzer play music for you.

Using a Relay to control a fan

A relay is an electronic device commonly seen in automated systems. When we use a relay with the Webduino, we can easily make a smart electric socket or an automatic switch.

PIR motion sensor

In this example, using the Webduino, we will make an LED light up and show a lit light bulb on screen when the PIR sensor detects changes in infrared light.

Setting the angle of a servo shaft

In this example we will use the Blockly Editor, HTML, and JavaScript to control a servo with a maximum of 180 degrees.

Determine light levels with a photocell

This special conductor uses a phenomenon called photoconductivity. When light is absorbed by the conductor the electrons of the semiconductor are delocalized, becoming free electrons.

Using an LED Matrix

An LED matrix is basically a grid of LEDs. They are commonly seen on public transport, on train or bus station signs.


RFID is a commonly used wireless communication technology. It is present in warehouses for asset and personnel tracking and management, it is even used in anti-forgery and livestock handling.

Switch Youtube Videos with RFID Keys

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate an advaced use for the RFID sensor - switching Youtube videos with RFID keys.

Control a Robot Car

The Webduino Robot Car is a self-driving robotic car designed by the Webduino Team.

Voice Activated LEDs

In this project example we will use Chrome's Speech API. Using Google's voice recognition, we can easily control an LED light.

ADXL345, 3-axis accelerometer

In this project example we will be using a Webduino to control an ADXL345, a 3 axis accelerometer.

Sending and receiving signals with an infrared sensor

We can find infrared sensors in the many electrical appliances in our daily life, such as TVs, air conditioners, remote controlled fans, toys… etc.

Detecting a joystick

We can use the Webduino to detect signals coming from a joystick and use it to control cars, robots, or other devices, creating many interesting applications.

Controlling an LED with Google Sheets

In this tutorial, we will fill a Google Form, average and round off the results, then show the information through a number of LEDs.

Controlling LEDs with face tracking

In this tutorial, we will be using a webcam for facial recognition and tracking, and controlling LEDs according to its position.

Knight Rider scanner lights (12 LEDs and for loops)

In this tutorial, we will be using this simple technique to light up 12 LEDs alternately, controlling the speed of their flashing, and creating an effect like KITT's red scanner light from the Knight Rider TV show.

Using Firebase to record temperature and humidity data

After learning how to use the "DHT" sensor to read the temperature and humidity of an environmental, the next step will be to save that information using a database.

Toy Car hack – Using a Dual Channel Motor Driver Module

Using the L9110S Dual Channel Motor Driver Module, we can connect a normal toy car to the Webduino board and control it over Wi-Fi.

Visualizing soil moisture with an LED matrix

Using the electric conductivity between two metal pieces, we can use a soil moisture sensor to measure the approximate dampness of soil.

DIY Smart Electrical Socket

Combine Webduino with a simple electrical socket, we can transform it into a smart, light and voice sensing, remote controlled electrical socket!

Talking Alarm Clock (With Snooze Button and Buzzer)

In this example, we will be joining the button switch and a buzzer together to create an alarm clock with a snooze button.

Changing image position with a Potentiometer

The Potentiometer block uses a similar method, in this tutorial we change the position of an image by turning a knob on a Potentiometer.

Controlling YouTube volume with a Potentiometer

We will learn how to use a Potentiometer to control the volume of a YouTube video, in the same way that you would use the volume control on a physical stereo speaker.